Ewhurst Short Mat Leagues
The following are the leagues in which Ewhurst teams are involved. SHAB and Wey Valley league positions can be viewed on the Surrey Short Mat website.
Surrey, Hampshire & Berkshire (SHAB) Leagues |
SHAB Knockout |
There are 3 divisions of SHAB leagues. . Success of the teams depends on which division they are in as there is promotion and relegation at the end of each season. Clubs play each other, home and away with 2 rinks per team. A point is awarded for each winning rink and 2 points awarded to the team with the best overall shot difference. .
Each team is the SHAB league is entered into the knockout cup, the finals of which are held at Wey Valley towards the end of the season.
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Wey Valley Woking Borough League (Wednesday Evening) |
Wey Valley Charity League
Wey Valley Monday Evening Triples League
A 2 bowl triples league Monday evenings start time 7:00pm. Roger Dobbing organises our team for this league. |
Ewhurst have a team in this Wednesday evening league based on experienced players but open to any club member.
Ripley Summer League May restart in 2022... |
Ewhurst have a team in this league and any member can play in the matches. Tony Richardson is organising our team.